Sunday, July 24, 2005


Ruth experienced her first playground injustice a few days ago while innocently standing next to the bouncy horse. Another little girl approached, and pushed her a bit to get her away from bouncy horse. Ruth, not knowing what to do, stood there and her assailant, not satisfied, grabbed her by the cheeks and bit her in the face. Poor Ruth! The shock that the world contains people that would do such a thing! Hurt feelings, scratched and bruised, she recovered in a few minutes and continued to enjoy the playground. It took her mother several hours, however, to feel right.. We stuck to the backyard the next day.

1 comment:

Llama_school said...

Hello Mother of Ruth,

I found your site via Countdown to Thirty, just wanted to let you know that I appreciate the playground reviews. I've kept meaning to do this from my blog but have been dragging my feet. I look forward to checking in on you and Ruth often;

Mother of Sabra, over on Natoma ;)