Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Civic Center Plaza

We have begun combining our Wednesday rabbit food outing with a visit to the nearby playground. There are actually two fenced play areas, we presume segregated by age, but kids and parents seem to enjoy both. The bums steer clear which alleviates some of the worry about flesh eating diseases (this is Civic Center after all). One plus, the structures are pretty easy for parents to chase their toddlers around on. You will recognize this as a bonus after you have played the twist in a panic on those tiny little walkways trying to keep your 18-month-old from flinging herself off the monster slide.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You folks sure do get around!

There was a BOMB SCARE in that playground last week, and our baby's daycare is really close and they wouldn't let me into the building. Turned out to be a homeless dude's backpack with some clothes and walkman in it.

Love your stuff, we'll blogroll you!