Monday, September 12, 2005


A pretty day begged the side trip down the panhandle (between Oak and Fell) rather than the usual and sometimes depressing trek down Haight Street. We found and enjoyed a playground about halfway down that is the first we have seen with handicap ramps. Nice, clean, purple, Ruth had fun. Phase two of weaning (no nighttime feedings past bedtime) begins in T-10 hours. Phase one was interrupted by a cold, which Ruth took advantage of by staging a hunger strike, gaining her prize and thus wiping out the progress made from the week before. She is also taking advantage of a weak moment in which she was allowed on the forbidden kitchen table. For the past three days she has been testing this territory, with each attempt at recapture beginning with just one butt cheek sliding up next to the butter dish. If unnoticed, the other haunch joins the first, then a five second pause, and suddenly there is a baby on the table. You can't give an inch with these people.

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