Tuesday, October 11, 2005


It may not be way up on your list of things to do, but taking Ruth to a commune was the highlight of her afternoon last Saturday. We have noticed this block of high fencing along 23rd Street by Shotwell as it is on our way to Parque Ninos, and one day, lo! we noticed the fence was open.

The garden, which is being opened MWF and Saturday afternoons to the public from 1-3, is maintained by one of the communes of San Francisco's hippie heyday, the Kaliflower Group. They are also associated with The Free Print folks, and have been around since 1967. A visit to the garden doesn't involve any of that creepy, dianetic-esque soliciting. Nobody will ask you to take a personality test, and on Saturday there was incredibly complex, well executed and beautiful music. You wouldn't know it was a commune unless you asked someone or read it here, but now, since you know, as you walk through the gate think to yourself: "A flower will grow out of the ashes of this current age of destruction."

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