Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Right by Market and Church, we find the delightful and delicious Chow, where the food is varied and (relatively) cheap, and (relatively) kid-friendly. Ruth is shown here furiously mixing her water with chopsticks. "Cookin'," as she is wont to do while given chopsticks.

This is also just down the way from Duboce Park, a long-time favorite and right next door from Aardvark Books, where the books are (relatively) inexpensive and the aisles are -- miracle of miracles -- big enough for a stroller. MoR also reports that they have a complete set of Andrew Lang's Fairy Tales for those looking to be transported to a dreamworld of magic.

1 comment:

JM said...

Mr. Pibb + Red Vines = Crazy Delicious!