Friday, March 31, 2006

Golden Gate Park Adventures -- Part One

In the first of what will be a multi-part series on the enormous, wonderous green thing in the middle of our fair City, we start with the windmill. Or, as Ruth calls it, the "Giant Fan." Though we are Giants fans (particularly partial to the other team in the Bay Area), she means the gigantic windmill teeming with Spring flowers (from the record-breaking, never-ending Spring showers) near the ocean side of the park. From there, we continued on to the Bison, closer to the middle. There isn't much to do with the Bison, but is sure is interesting that we have any kind of paddock, let alone a Bison one.

Ruth continues to ask about the Bison and is slowing coming to realize that someone is staying, bringing on epic shyness attacks and temper tantrums to shake the very earth. Otherwise, all is kisses.

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