Monday, October 16, 2006


Don't get us wrong, the zoo is a fantastic place. Viewing the sea lions in the underwater cave is especially inspiring. But at $9.50 a pop for adults and $6.50 for 3 year olds, a trip to the zoo with a kid who may just last an hour before she completely freaks out when the monkey gets it into his pea brain to "demonstrate" by slamming his screaming grimacing shrieking fanged self into the glass can leave you begrudging the fear instinct of your progeny. But Ruth is still 2, so still free, and on the second Tuesday of every month everyone else is only two bucks. For two dollars, the monkey spazz out can turn into a funny story and not a mild resentment of the animal kingdom. Oh, and your kid gets to brush a goat! And, for the record, our Ruthie didn't lose it at the monkey like the other little scardy cats (but she sure talked about it for a while).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

um, it's the *second* tuesday of the month =)
On "2-Buck Tuesdays" (the second Tuesday of every month) you can tour the zoo for the discounted price of $2 per person!
Children under three years of age will, as always, be admitted free of charge.