Monday, February 19, 2007

CHINESE GARDEN (Chinook Book!)

Happy Year of the Golden Pig. This trip to the Portland Chinese Classical Garden was colored with a longing nostalgia for San Francisco with its vibrant Chinatown and fancy tea houses. We were glad to find the garden (yes, two for one admission, thank you Chinook) was beautiful and imagined it serene with a smaller crowd. OK, we admit, the caucasion volunteers were a bit of a reminder that we were out of the city, and it seemed a bit Japanese, but hey, the lady at the tea house was authentically ESL and we were as stated nostalgic which can heighten the senses to irregularity. The tea and snacks were delecious. The lion dancers for this New Year's celebration were colorful and undulating, a little scary for Ruth, who admitedly scares easy. Georgia thought they were amazing.

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