Monday, June 25, 2007


Posted by PicasaAlthough we have already featured Laurelhurst Dance Studio, we failed to mention that with the official open of summer, Portland Parks and Rec are once again staffing the playgrounds with sweet teenagers who lay out games, organize art activities, and generally show the kids a good time. After ballet class Ruthie made purple playdough. Why would the city go to such lengths? Although we have not contacted the proper authorities for the official answer, we suspect several likely reasons. Summer employment for local kids, good healthy play for the kids they teach who might otherwise spend the beautiful weather indoors in front of some the boob tube or whatever iteration of handheld video game is currently the rage. Many of the parks also offer free lunch for any kid who shows up. That bears repeating; free lunch for any kid, ages 1-18 from June 21st-August 16th at locations throughout the east side. No paperwork, no stigma, no food stamps, no sermon, nothing but a good healthy lunch.

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