Friday, June 08, 2007


Yet another reason we like living in Portland -- the parks. If they were just tended as is, green and abundant, we would be happy, but the services on top of their mere presence almost embarasses us in their generosity and breadth. Ladybug nature walks, for example are held all year rain or shine in parks across the city. You show up with your toddlers and babies, strap on a ladybug backpack filled with nature tools as varied as paint brushes and magnifying glasses, and explore the dirt, bugs and flowers in the park. The ladybug walk pictured was held at Pennisula Park with it's fully mature formal rose garden that was in full June glory. The guides are sweet and gentle, the kids toddle around in a pack with those fuzzy bugs strapped on their backs, who wouldn't feel better about everything after you spend an hour and a half amidst that? We looked at trees, found spiders, examined colors of leaves and grasses, felt rose petals. For two dollars, it is the best outing deal in town.
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